I currently own 2.5 air-cooled Volkswagens. First is Dolores. My trusty 1964 beetle equipped with an original 40 hp 1200cc motor. This car is workhorse; always fun to drive, always reliable, never lets me down. She has been with me for over 12 years.

Next would be the latest acquisition, a 1964 1500S Variant (Squareback). It’s probably more Sydney’s car than mine, since the whole reason for purchasing Puddy, was so that Sydney would have something comfortable to ride in. This is a very beautiful car. Classic 1960s lines, a great color combination, and the ultimate in luxurious VW driving from an era long gone. Puddy has also been my crash course into the Type 3 world.

And last, would be the .5 child. Now, mind you this is in no way any reflection on the importance and admiration for this car. This has been the one that’s been with me through thick and thin. Through the driver’s test, first licensed solo trip, major high school outings, those long memorable college road trips, spur of the moment drives to concerts across the border, first real job interviews, and many other memorable and unforgettable events in my life. It’s also, the longest project car I’ve ever had, which as you can see, is why it’s currently in .5 status.
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